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Earth Hug Yoga

A fun way to learn yoga with this one of a kind form

Image by Sean Oulashin

 You are a Vibrant part of this Beautiful Earth! 

  This is Your moment to Embrace Yoga like Never 

 Connect with the Divine and Discover what Resonates with You. 

  Just do what you can, and let your journey unfold! 

  Feeling Uncomfortable? 

  That's just your cue to get cozy with the discomfort! 

  Are you ready to Transform your body? 

  How do you want to Flow each Movement? 

  How would you Love to Sit? 

  Do you Crave Relaxation? 

  The power has always been within you! 

  Now is the time to make those Amazing changes for  Yourself! 

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All poses are based on Earth Loving Us

Always sending Us Love Energy Rainbow Hugs

Visualizing Earth Hugging Us in all that We do

Reverence, Devotion and Honor to Earth

Sending Loving Grateful Energy back to Earth

Balancing the Energy Exchange with Earth

Best to do poses in direct contact with Earth

Inhale in Moving into the poses

Exhale out Relaxing into them

Stay in poses for Multiple Breaths

Deeply Breathe to Lengthen Stretch

Stay in poses as long as possible

Relax, be relaxed, let go, tell muscles to relax

Pushing past one’s pain and relax perimeters 

Stay in each pose as long as willing to relax deeply 

Finding the uncomfortable to relax it into comfort

Take breaks out of the pose 

Flow and move to clear stuck energy

Yin Yoga of Wu-Way style (non-action) 

Simply laying there taking time for self to Receive


If it hurts, Focus on Gratitude breathing, 

relax, release, receive

Be Gentle, have Compassion for Self

Smile Big at it All

Here is what Kamran Behzadi has to say about Earth Hug Yoga: What an awesome gift it was just to read this book, even before getting into any of the poses. The writings of the instructions are overflowing with compassion and sensitivity towards whoever reads them, and the subtle humor is enough to relax your energies and calm your mind where you stand. The poses and expressions themselves are simple, playful and honest. There is a whole variety to choose from and you will instantly feel yourself gravitating towards some more than others which you can easily integrate into your life with that same playful flow, bearing no resemblance to the strenuous routines that many yoga books and courses make a thing of. This book is yoga in the beginning, yoga in the middle and yoga in the end without you ever realizing that even doing yoga; it carries all the fragrance of the essence of the opening mantra of the book, of practicing the art of doing without doing that is wu wei. I can also express gratitude and appreciation for the photography in the book, which as well as being clear and sincere to the expressions themselves are taken with a special eye towards magical surroundings, emitting that same special energy that stimulates the sense of wellbeing and a deep care for one’s life and the body that enshrines it. For many reasons, I feel that it is a great blessing that this book has crossed my path and would especially recommend it to anybody searching for an experience of yoga in their heart as well as their body as I am.

Self Hug = Self Love


Self Wrapping Arms 


Caressing Shoulders Arms and Torso


Rubbing Chin and Cheek on Shoulder


Give and Receive the Love


With Mind on Gratitude Loving Self

Heres is Your Invitation to Give it a Try Your Self.  Your Self Hug is Awaiting You as You are Awaiting Your Self Hug. 
Don't Wait Any Longer!

Be With Us

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